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Why it's convenient for you

You trade at equal value and you don't lose out

The value of your items and YCMC items is calculated in tokens, a virtual currency valid only within YCMC. Exchanges take place at the same value in tokens, so you don't lose anything on what you give away! Calculate how much an item is worth with the TOKEN-izer .

We suggest what best suits you

Through the style consultancy with AMI , your virtual personal stylist, you receive personalized suggestions that help you best enhance your style and figure and select the items that suit you best from the Digital Closet.

Save time

With YCMC you can get rid of things you no longer use and at the same time acquire quality items, verificated and guaranteed by us, all in a single exchange.

Renew your wardrobe without polluting

By exchanging used clothing, you contribute to the virtuous cycle of reuse, reducing the production volume of new items in the fashion industry. This is how you reduce your impact on the environment: find out how much with theDECARBON-izer !

You pay a single fixed cost for each transaction

The only payment you will incur to exchange is a fixed fee for YCMC services . There are no hidden costs and additional percentages on items or shipping, no matter how many items you include in an exchange.


We welcome university students for curricular internships

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